24 Simon Muzenda St Masvingo

Alleviate Justice-Involved Persons Reentry Association is an association whose priority is to assist individuals after their involvement with the criminal justice system. The association aims to help them refocus and restructure their lives without feeling inadequate, and to provide guidance on how to navigate the changes in perspective towards them.

Advocating for the rights and welfare of dependents of loved ones who are arrested, prosecuted, or imprisoned is crucial in reducing collateral effects.

Raising awareness to the public about the importance of criminal justice reform and re-entry for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Generating economic growth and development through various initiatives to restore the human capital, expertise, knowledge, and experience that would otherwise be lost due to the criminal record system.

Promoting and advocating for the expungement of criminal records for non-violent, non-sexual offenses, as well as offenses that are not related to children or treason.

About Us

Empowering people affected by criminal records to reduce recidivism and collateral poverty.

We assist individuals with criminal records regain personal empowerment and reduce the likelihood of repeating criminal behaviour.

To alleviate the burdens and obstacles faced by those bearing criminal records fostering a society that is compassionate, understanding, and supportive.
We assist individuals with criminal records regain personal empowerment and reduce the likelihood of repeating criminal behaviour
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Limited access to employment, education, housing, and legitimate income-generating opportunities can push individuals towards criminal activities as a means of survival.
Drug and alcohol addiction can impair judgment, increase impulsivity, and contribute to involvement in criminal behaviour to support addiction.
High crime rates, violence, unsafe environments, lack of social support, and a lack of policing can contribute to an individual's involvement in criminal behaviour.
Religious beliefs and practices can have both positive and negative influences on criminal behaviour
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We aim to inspire positive community attitudes and acceptance towards the successful reintegration of former prisoners through community outreach programs and showcasing success stories of individuals who have overcome involvement with the criminal justice system.
Historical discrimination, systemic injustices, and cultural norms that condone or glorify criminal behaviour can influence an individual's propensity towards crime.

Community Engagement

We aim to inspire positive community attitudes and acceptance towards the successful reintegration of former prisoners through community outreach programs and showcasing success stories of individuals who have overcome involvement with the criminal justice system.